I recently began to read a book titled 'UnNamed' by Chris Travis and Nancy Karpenske. Its an amazing book (I'll recommend to anyone) which focuses on unsuspecting heroes singled out by God.
In its first chapter, subtitled 'Unexpected' explicitly examines the story of Naaman and the slave girl in 2 Kings 5:1-14.
The chapter began to talk about how most times we all live mundane and monotonous lifestyles..and sometimes we all want something unexpected to happen (good expectations though). We all want more. And it is in doing the unexpected that you often find heroism.
Colossians 4:5 says 'make the most of every opportunity'. There is a story in the Bible about an everyday person who did something unexpected and it changed everything.
The slave girl did the unexpected by 'speaking up', Naaman did the unexpected by 'dipping himself in the river 7 times' (he could have stopped at 5 and say I give up). These acts brought the worship of the Lord of Is real to Aram through Naaman, bottom line: it was so much more than just a physical healing.
I love Tom Brokaw's definition of a hero: 'Heroes are people who rise to the occasion and slip quietly away'. All through my childhood I wanted to be like one of the 'power puff girls' (buttercup) lol or 'wonder woman', or 'storm' from X men occasionally super woman (I remember I used to tie my mom's wrapper around my neck to make a cape and jump from the table so I could 'fly'), my point here is that we all want to be super heroes (may be not as dramatic as iron man or wolverine) and most times the opportunity presents itself for us too, but we probably are too shy or don't even notice the opportunity.
Today and every other day this month, please do the unexpected. I'm not saying go rob a bank or cheat on your wife/husband (lol) more like call that person who hurt you,be the bigger person and let petty things go. I'm saying something you won't routinely do. So when you look back you can say 'I didn't know I had it in me'!
Me? I'm going to clean up my room.. Haha.. 😝😁
Have an amazing experience doing something unexpected today..
P.S: Today is the half of the month! Time flies!. Begin to do the Unexpected.
With love, theInspiredCutiee 😘
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