If you’ve been following these series, you know they started off as a rant, but I decided to be inspiring, (as usual, hehe). If you haven’t (where have you been!) – you can read the Kick Off , Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , and Part 4 . I mentioned in Part 3, ‘myth 3 would be discussed later’, so, *drum rolls* here we are… But first, a conclusion of the list from Genesis 2: 8-17: 5. Parameters: God is an unlimited being, but we (myself inclusive) are limited, which is a fact and the truth. Yes, He is my father and I am created in His image, but I am not Him, He is in me to help me. The rules He gives, are not for Him, they exist for my good, they are there for my protection. 1 Corinthians 10:23 ‘Everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial…not everything is constructive’ But… · What if it’s too late , and I have lived my life by what others say and not by what God says? W...
If you’ve been following these series, you know they started off as a rant, but I decided to be inspiring, (as usual, hehe). If you haven’t (where have you been!) – you can read the Kick Off , Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 . I concluded part 3 saying watch out for myth 3… (still watch out!) ‘I thrive on purpose’, ‘I exist because of purpose’, so what then are the things I should be conscious of during this phase? Literally what lessons should I gather from my singleness? This requires a critical look at Genesis 2: 8-17: 1. Place: God has a purpose for every place He puts me, He wants me to see, learn something before He can show me the next step. For example; He placed me in my family for a reason. Ironically many (myself inclusive) place ourselves and source for a person or people to validate this place we’ve placed ourselves. Even more sadly, many (myself inclusive) fight the place God has placed us. 2. Pu...