Permit me to be a bit condescending here; my siblings and I are creatives, you can say ‘it’s in our DNA – from our Creative God’.
when my brother told me to read ‘Steal like an artist by Austin Kleon’, my
interest was illumined, but then again who wouldn’t read a book with that
title. *wink*
Kleon summed it up as ‘10 things nobody told you about being creative’.
book is about 120 pages, you can probably finish it in hours (if you are fast)
but it is thought-provoking, trust me. It is filled with quotes from famous
creatives – stuff that ignites your thought process. To be honest, there are so
many quotes I want to share, (the book is filled with so many quotes) but that
would just be spoiler alert… I’ll only share those that I can’t keep calm but
share! This review would probably be more of quotes…
‘There is nothing new under the sun’
Ecclesiastes 1:9
this one is from the Bible, but it also in the book, - even the wisest man on
earth knew this, so you sef can understand this ‘stealing thing done dey!
‘Immature poets imitate; mature poets
steal, bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something
better, or at least something different. The good poet welds his theft into a
whole of feeling which is unique, utterly different from that form which it was
T.S. Eliot
‘Everything is up for grabs, if you
don’t find something worth stealing today, you might find it worth stealing
tomorrow, or a month or year from now’
Austin Kleon
‘All creative work builds on what came
before. Nothing is completely original’
Austin Kleon
‘What is originality? Undetected
William Ralph Inge
am going to add my own… (hehe… of course I couldn’t resist!):
‘Plagiarism is a form of recycling’
The Inspired Cutiee
book broadened my perspective, and I must say, it’s a good read (perhaps I just
read really good books).
I should add a disclaimer:
am not encouraging stealing oh, but rather be creative (literally blow
someone’s mind) with your theft!
just one more:
‘Steal from anywhere that resonates
with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music,
books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture,
bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light, and shadows.
Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do
this, your work (and theft) will be authentic’
leave you with this poem I wrote to honor this review:
With love,
TheInspiredCutiee ๐
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