These series started off as a rant, but I decided to be inspiring, (as usual, hehe),
you can read the Kick Off post.
has marked and termed the single phase as negative, (but then again, that’s
what happens when you live in a fallen world) our culture has blinded many, and
people are damaged when they don’t have proper aim.
reality check; this phase, this single phase is the most important phase of
your life, you are literally not responsible for anyone but yourself. Culture
is a moving target; don’t set your relationship at culture.
makes you think – you need someone to make you better. If you are not enough
with who you are as a single person; you won’t be satisfied in a relationship.
Then again, if God is not enough, you are not enough, no person would ever be.
check; God wants you to excel in your relationships, His rules are not for Him,
but for you! He wants you alone first – single phase before the ‘person’ or in
popular terms; ‘the one’ comes. He wants to be one with you first before the
says #RelationshipGoals #PicturePerfect - if your couple picture isn’t lit
enough; you don’t have couple goals. We are so fazed and blindsided by the
outer appearance of what perfect relationships should look like, if you don’t
appear on the gram with numerous likes or BellaNaija, you haven’t arrived?
check again; Man looks at the outer appearance, God doesn’t. He wants to give
you a vision and show you your purpose in relationships, the best time to grab
this - is when you are single.
hey, you may say; ‘so what if I am already in it without purpose’? ‘Does this
mean I can’t be redeemed’ or have a good relationship’ Of course there is hope
and mercy for us. God’s love and mercy is never-ending. But why wait till you
are in it to grasp the truth?
out for part 2!
With love,
TheInspiredCutiee 😘
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