Food is bae, this can't be over emphasized!! . And when you meet someone who shares this philosophy.. Issall over jackie!! Lol. Today's post is on SAE! Sobechi isn't your regular type of chef, she's going to be a barrister (just watch that space) *wink*, she's adventours, fun and edgy, a lover of God. (P.S: her wife material isn't sold on earth ) I just had to find out more about her: *What brought about SAE? Cooking is my passion, I have always loved to cook, and so I kept wondering how I was going to start something different in my environment, that would make an impact, and as a student, we were just limited to rice, and more rice, students barely ate meals that were balanced, and rarely ate fresh healthy vegetables, and it was not scarce, and this I think is an important aspect of learning and growing, eating well. So I sat down and brain stormed and asked for divine guidance from GOD, I actually started working with SWF (Sobechi With Foo...