My friend said the weekend is a scam. Lol.
Moday the beginning of a new working week. Lots of people don't like Monday morning, some people are grumpy when they get to work on Monday morning. (Or every other day lol)
Which is why you need to be sensitive. You can't just come bombard someone with work first thing in the morning all because its a new week.
Some people have had an amazing weekend while some might not have, imagine if someone had to take care of a sick child or family member all weekend, the person would probably be worn out.
Be sensitive to other people's moods and feelings. Be concerned about their families. Not everything is work.
Have a great Monday.
P.S: I have a new mystery crush.. #MCM (Mystery Crush Monday not Man Crush Monday😉😁)
With love, theInspiredCutiee 😘
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