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Showing posts from March, 2018

The SS 5

If you’ve been following these series, you know they started off as a rant, but I decided to be inspiring, (as usual, hehe). If you haven’t (where have you been!) – you can read the  Kick Off ,  Part 1 ,  Part 2 , Part 3 , and Part 4 .  I mentioned in Part 3, ‘myth 3 would be discussed later’, so, *drum rolls* here we are… But first, a conclusion of the list from Genesis 2: 8-17: 5. Parameters: God is an unlimited being, but we (myself inclusive) are limited, which is a fact and the truth. Yes, He is my father and I am created in His image, but I am not Him, He is in me to help me. The rules He gives, are not for Him, they exist for my good, they are there for my protection. 1 Corinthians 10:23 ‘Everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial…not everything is constructive’ But… ·          What if it’s too late , and I have lived my life by what others say and not by what God says? W...

The SS 4

If you’ve been following these series, you know they started off as a rant, but I decided to be inspiring, (as usual, hehe). If you haven’t (where have you been!) – you can read the Kick Off , Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 . I concluded part 3 saying watch out for myth 3… (still watch out!) ‘I thrive on purpose’, ‘I exist because of purpose’, so what then are the things I should be conscious of during this phase? Literally what lessons should I gather from my singleness? This requires a critical look at Genesis 2: 8-17: 1.       Place: God has a purpose for every place He puts me, He wants me to see, learn something before He can show me the next step. For example; He placed me in my family for a reason. Ironically many (myself inclusive) place ourselves and source for a person or people to validate this place we’ve placed ourselves. Even more sadly, many (myself inclusive) fight the place God has placed us. 2.      Pu...

The SS 3

If you’ve been following these series, you know they started off as a rant, but I decided to be inspiring, (as usual, hehe). If you haven’t – you can read  Kick off  and Part 1  and Part 2 . Here are some few key words, to jog up the memory:  Yes, the single phase is #cool, but, today, we’ll look at two myths. (the third myth would be discussed later). I begin by debunking the first myth: ·          I don’t need anybody Au contraire my dear, God wants a relationship with me, God wants me to be in relationships with others, He created me to a be a relational being, and He doesn’t make mistakes, even if I am introverted, I need people. In fact, isolation is where the devil thrives and feeds me lies. God says in the Bible: ‘it is not good for man to be alone’ -        Genesis 2: 18 He knew since the beginning; as clichéd as it may sound, two are always better tha...

Den of thieves

Permit me to be a bit condescending here; my siblings and I are creatives, you can say ‘it’s in our DNA – from our Creative God’. So when my brother told me to read ‘Steal like an artist by Austin Kleon’, my interest was illumined, but then again who wouldn’t read a book with that title. *wink* Austin Kleon summed it up as ‘10 things nobody told you about being creative’. The book is about 120 pages, you can probably finish it in hours (if you are fast) but it is thought-provoking, trust me. It is filled with quotes from famous creatives – stuff that ignites your thought process. To be honest, there are so many quotes I want to share, (the book is filled with so many quotes) but that would just be spoiler alert… I’ll only share those that I can’t keep calm but share! This review would probably be more of quotes… ‘There is nothing new under the sun’ -        Ecclesiastes 1:9 Yeah, this one is from the Bible, but it also in the ...

The SS 2

These series started off as a rant, but I decided to be inspiring, (as usual, hehe), you can read the Kick off  post here, and Part 1 .  Apparently, the contestants for Big Brother Nigeria this year have been quite entertaining, (I know someone would ask why I watch BBN; I can learn from anything, just the positives…in fact why am I explaining myself?) during Ifu Ennada’s (you don’t know her? Google her? Or rather search for her on Twitter, she’s quite popular there, I can’t come and be explaining who she is!) eviction interview one statement she made (that gave me an entire perspective of her personality) was “I chose to be intentionally single this year”. I was like, give that lady a round of applause!  Being intentionally single doesn’t mean you are not beautiful enough to catch a man. It doesn’t mean you are not smart enough to find a partner. It doesn’t even determine your financial status to attract or retain the ladies. It simply means you are de...

The Single Series

These series started off as a rant, but I decided to be inspiring, (as usual, hehe), you can read the  Kick Off  post. Society has marked and termed the single phase as negative, (but then again, that’s what happens when you live in a fallen world) our culture has blinded many, and people are damaged when they don’t have proper aim. But, reality check; this phase, this single phase is the most important phase of your life, you are literally not responsible for anyone but yourself. Culture is a moving target; don’t set your relationship at culture. Society makes you think – you need someone to make you better. If you are not enough with who you are as a single person; you won’t be satisfied in a relationship. Then again, if God is not enough, you are not enough, no person would ever be. Reality check; God wants you to excel in your relationships, His rules are not for Him, but for you! He wants you alone first – single phase before the ‘person’ or in popul...

It’s another day to celebrate females!!!

I say this all the time – I am blessed to be female! God knows what He does, always, always! He knows why He made you female or male… Let that sink in… Although, to be candid, there have been a couple to times I wanted to ‘un-woman’ myself: ·          when I heard Beyoncé’s ‘If I were a boy’ ·          when Hilary Clinton lost because ‘women decided not to vote in their numbers’ ·          and obviously when the monthly visitor comes *face palm* Regardless, I still (and will continue to) celebrate my femininity, I couldn’t have it anyway else! This year’s theme is #PressForProgress (sort of like Purpose; the theme for March, we are in sync right? and I didn’t even know this theme till today! Coincidence? Nah!) which is great, we all need to make every effort for progress. There are so many women in the Bible that inspire me, but I have...

'18 Raves yet…

We live in world that anything can literally go viral in a split second, literally… Stuff happens every day that sometimes it’s a tad difficult to not be surprised, it’s like people create new stuff every minute! So, I decided to create a list, a list of stuff that has blown my mind so far… And we are just in March! Ama have to update this list by like July… Here you go; in no particular order: ·           Drake’s God’s Plan Official Video: Man! This video is everything; lemme not lie, I shed a tear or two! The video gave me goosebumps, literally! I think it depicts how God; (kind of) the way he was all philanthropist all over the place is just mind boggling! I say... ·          Heritage Bank’s Spoken Poetry Ad: This is just one word - Love!!Love!! Love!!! (okay, may be that’s three words, lol, but you get my drift?!) Probably because I love poetry, that’s why ayam acting like th...

Seasons - Hillsong

In case you don’t know, music is one of my inspirations; good music is therapeutic, good music is food for the soul and mind, in colloquial terms – music is the Inspired Cutiee’s bae! Good music entails beautifully written lyrics, (as clichéd as it may sound; words are everything) good rhythm and beat, (you just can’t help but fall in love with the blend and synchronisation of time and sound, it is literally magical) and of course abundant harmony of voice or voices. Well, this is my definition of good music, argue with your two left legs *walks away* Whenever I stumble on good music (perhaps it’s not a stumble – hmm notes to self) these things happen: ·           I can’t help but share how it teleports me to another realm ·          Scream it at the top of my lungs ·          Basically just keep it on repeat ·          ...

Ineffable Love

Today is exactly three weeks after Valentine’s day, wow, time flies – what you got to do, do quick! Lol. I wrote this poem for Valentine’s day, (I’m not a believer of the day oh, just a believer of God’s not-boxed-to-one-day-celebration-love) ironically that morning, my mom was talking on Christ’s love as the apex typa of love, (tbh, she does this speech every Val’s day; perhaps she does because she doesn’t want me and my siblings to be swayed by the grand gestures people adopt on this day and her best tactic is to remind us of His love) so, Mom, relazz, we know this *wink* I urge you to be reminded, thought provoked and most importantly inspired by His Love: I thought Hillsong had my heart until I met Bethel Bethel literally and figuratively makes me tear up Reckless love is the theme ‘Oh the over-whelming, never-ending, reckless love of God’ ‘Oh it chases me down, fights till I am found, leaves the 99’ I ask, how can you have 99 and still chase 1? ‘The...