Thank God it's Friday and Christmas.
Before I proceed *screams MERRY CHRISTMAS*
Pastor Sam Adeyemi says spend Christmas Day with your family so Daystar Christian Center doesn't hold Christmas Day service on this day except it falls on a Sunday.
My mom and I have argued on this issue every Christmas to be honest, I don't see why we must go to church on this day. (Although I'm a firm supporter of fellowship with other believers) I just don't see why we must attend on Christmas Day. Well she always wins every argument. So her decision is always final.
My mom and I have argued on this issue every Christmas to be honest, I don't see why we must go to church on this day. (Although I'm a firm supporter of fellowship with other believers) I just don't see why we must attend on Christmas Day. Well she always wins every argument. So her decision is always final.
You know what crosses my mind every Christmas day? Imagine if December wasn't the actual month Jesus was born? Like imagine if he was born in July or September and on that day many believers are just happy? Like unexplainable joy? Lol.
Yeah some imagination my dear.
Yeah some imagination my dear.
Anyway, I actually enjoyed the sermon today. Well it was supposed to be a charge but it became a sermon (lol).
My favorite part;
The birth of Jesus signifies that the impossible can be done. That's the bottom line. As humans there would be impossibility, you've even said its all over. If God did it then nothing is impossible.
If He became man even though He was God then; He can change your story, He can break the barriers holding you back. Amen??!
My favorite part;
The birth of Jesus signifies that the impossible can be done. That's the bottom line. As humans there would be impossibility, you've even said its all over. If God did it then nothing is impossible.
If He became man even though He was God then; He can change your story, He can break the barriers holding you back. Amen??!
I do hope you had a wonderful day. And may the joy of the season continue to be your reason for celebration. *wink*
I guess another fun part of going to church on Christmas day is taking pictures *smiles sheepishly* especially with your favorite people.
Not to forget the food for champions; rice.
Not to forget the food for champions; rice.
And me today.
With love, theInspiredCutiee
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