December 10th 2015's commentary in The Word For Today is Titled Share Your Life.
This paragraph struck and ministered to me:
In the Journal of Happiness Studies, researchers looked at what distinguished quite happy people from less happy people. One factor consistently separated those two groups. It's not about how much money you have; its not about your health, security, attractiveness, IQ, or career success. What distinguishes consistently happy people from less happy people is the presence of rich, deep, joy-producing, life-changing, meaningful relationships.
Everyday I look back and thank God for the people I'm surrounded with. God put each and everyone of them in my life for a reason. I am blessed and highly favored.
The last statement in the commentary for that day says it all: the New Testament Church (Acts 4vs 32-37) got it right: it is in sharing with one another spiritually, emotionally, financially and relationally that you achieve your highest level of joy.
Take time out to thank God for your friends. You might say I don't have real friends, still thank God for the ones who are in your life.
With love, theInspiredCutiee 😘
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